Lowertown SantaCon is taking a break in 2024!

LOWERTOWN SANTACON has been brought to you by SantaLawyer.com, Break the Bubble MN, and founder nigelparry.net.

Lowertown SantaCon is a free event but we do have publicity costs. Please donate here =>


Lowertown SantaCon in the Press

Lowertown SantaCon was voted “Best Twin Cities Pub Crawl” by City Pages in 2011 and 2014, featured in City Pages’ “50 Reasons We Love Winter in Minnesota” and “Top 20 Events of the Season,” has been City Pages “A-List”-ed, Pioneer Press “Best of the Week”-ed, and shouted-out by DJ Mark Wheat from The Current, DJ Larry Englund from KFAI, by WCCO, KARE 11, VitaMN, 365 Twin Cities, MinnPost, Saint Paul Almanac, Lille, L’Étoile, and Herlife magazine.

We are a Midwestern media-accredited extravaganza of the human holiday spirit!

The Associated Press wrote a story featuring Lowertown SantaCon in 2012, reprinted in publications as far flung as the Sydney Morning Herald and the Singapore Straits Times. Browse coverage from over a decade of Lowertown SantaCon.

Lowertown SantaCon, Santarchy, Santapalooza, christmas free events

SantaCon is Global!

This is a community-organized event and Santa’s grace is boundless. For a decade, people have expected no entrance fee and no wristbands. Accept no impostors. We do have event costs though. Please give generously.

SantaCon (aka “Santarchy” aka “The Red Menace”) began in San Francisco in 1994 and has evolved into an annual worldwide Santa Claus convention occurring in hundreds of cities around the globe. See Santacon.info for a list of participating cities.

Lowertown SantaCon features a costumed cast of hundreds. Come as Santa, come as an elf or reindeer or get creative and come as a Santasaurus, a Hanukkah Chicken, a Kwanza Ham…you get the picture!

Lowertown SantaCon is a free event but we do have publicity costs. Please donate here =>


About Lowertown SantaCon

Lowertown SantaCon is half spectacle, half pub crawl and half flash mob—that’s one and a half things!—in the historic former arts district of Lowertown, Saint Paul, MN.

The event began in 2008 and was successfully held for 12 years until the December 2020-2022 events were cancelled due to the Great Plague of 2019. Saturday, December 14th, 2019 marked the twelfth year of the annual event.

Lowertown Santacon XVI is scheduled for Saturday, December 16th, 2023! RSVP on our Facebook event page

For several years, Lowertown SantaCon has been generously sponsored by SantaLawyer.com: Your Lawyer for the Holidays.